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Seeking ultrafast endless optical polarization control, polarization scrambling or polarimetry? Ready for Tb/s PDM transmission? Testing polarization-agile coherent transponders? Searching for rare polarization glitches? Fast, extremely accurate PDL-/PMD measurement? Great. Welcome at Novoptel GmbH!

With decades of pioneer experience, we offer tailored, complementary

Our polarization-related products have unrivaled speed. To our knowledge, Novoptel’s endless polarization trackers are at least 100 times as fast as competitor products. If you are aware of something better then please inform us so that we can correct this statement.

With Novoptel polarization controllers, you get

  • highest guaranteed endless polarization tracking speed,
  • cost-effective polarization demultiplex (e.g., in Tb/s PDM transponders for (D)QPSK, QAM, (D)PSK, duobinary),
  • future suitability due to bitrate-independent control signal generation.
All products are available in/as: desktop case, 19'' 1U rackmount, plug-in card, IP core. The hardware is optimized for small size and low power consumption.

We sell worldwide and are eager to send you a quote!